Saturday, September 11, 2010

Updating Photo Library

Apple iPhone - Updating Photo Library Problem?

I'm not sure what happened but tonight I tapped the camera icon and it said something about updating photo took forever which was upsetting because I needed to use my camera. But even MORE upsetting is that now I have lost MONTHS of photos!! Does ANYONE have ANY idea what happened and how to get my photos back?!?!?

iPhone Photography
Wedding apple iphone Photography
There are a number of things about this scenario I don't understand, but the most prominent is why someone would keep months of photos, NOT BACKED UP, exclusively on their iPhone.

..apparently this is common...both on the phone and on a regular digital....

Anyway....Are you sure your photos never went on the computer? Did you sync your phone to the computer?

Before turning the iphone off...i'd take it in to an apple store...

Anywhoo....I'm hoping this works out for you!

I feel sure it *is* common; however, that fact does not stop me from always being surprised.

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