Thursday, September 23, 2010

MobileMe VS Google mail

Google Mail is free and you can wirelessly sync your calendar and contacts. It includes Google Docs which is a cloud for storing files that can be accessed from your iPhone or any computer.

That being said I have to wonder what the benefits of paying for Mobile Me are?
Besides "Find My Phone" I don't see any other value. Or am I missing something?

obama spiral wallpaper for apple iphone mobileme
Well, Google has answers all that MME offers, accept Find my iphone, iweb integration and storage.

You can share large files by sending links to who ever you want to share with. All MME offers are in one place.

Make more sense for someone with mac than windows PC.

I use google apps as an alternative to MobileMe. I blog about my experience with Google Apps. It works for me, Calendar syncing and Contacts, and the Calendar syncing even works with two of my calendars. One for work and one for Calendar.

It's cheaper than MobileMe.

If you have one or more Macs there are a lot of additional features.

I have my entire family on MobileMe. I can log in and add appointments to their calendars, or see if they have something on theirs I need to add to mine.

All changes get pushed to their iPhones/iTouches.

The one feature that attracted me to MobileMe many years ago was the ichat service which allowed members of my family to use video cameras to chat. I have been using the service along with my family for years. We can post blogs using iWeb, sync each others calendars, and publish private gallery to view family photos. We also use the idisk to transfer photos and other files back and forth. It has worked fine for us over many years. Well worth the yearly fee.

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