Saturday, September 25, 2010

iPhone Wi-Fi issues....

Apple iPhone - Wi-Fi issues....
Details - IPhone 4. All updates done.

Problem: occasionally the connection will "hang". I'll be checking email - will start and not finish. Using Safari, page may start to open, then stall. Facebook app - same issue. eBay app - same issue.

Other Wi-Fi devices in the home do not do this - so it is not a router issue, I don't think.

How I fix it - go into iPhones settings. Turn Wi-Fi off, then back on. Now it works again. It may last a while (hours, a day perhaps, sometimes no more than 15 or 30 minutes), but eventually it will hang again.

Usually only 1 Wi-Fi device is connected at a time; it is password protected, so it's not others logging in, either.

iPhone WiFi
Girl Wallpaper for apple iphone wifi
Is the Router's firmware up to date? I have a Linksys 610N dual band router and am currently only using the 2.4 gig freq. WEP2. It works perfectly with my iPhones. My WiFi was problematic (and exhibited the symptoms you've outlined with 2 other PCs) until I found the new firmware.

Being new to iPhones and only recently took the plunge into Apple gear with the purchase of an iPhone 4, I don't know what the iPhone 3 network protocol is, but it might be worth looking into if your router firmware is, indeed, up to date.

I found an on-topic thread here ( I hope you can find some info there that might might assist you further.

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