Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Free Find My Phone

Apple iPhone - Free Find My Phone

So is Find My Phone free for all iPhone 4 customers, or all customers using IOS 4.2.1? I'm confused.

iPhone iOS
Find your Apple iPhone iOS
Technically you have to have an iPhone 4, iPod Toch 4th Gen, or iPad running 4.2.1 to initiate the service but once it is initiated, you can use it on all of your iOS devices running 4.2.1

This should be clearer but it seems not to be available unless you have an iPhone 4. I've installed 4.2.1 on my 3GS but I get "Device Not Supported" when I try to register.

This is disappointing.

If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and even remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com

So it seems. As I don't have a 4, but do have a device (3GS) that can run 4.2.1, it seems to be an unnecessary limitation. (I've never been tempted by .mac or mobileme because of the price.)

I have a 3 GS And a paid MobileMe subscription but locating the phone is not working. When asked to retype in my password that I just used to sign into my account (and can read emails and contacts) it returns the error -password not valid. That is just for the find my phone.

I am going to call support just wanted to give them some time with all the questions they having about 4.2!! And the holiday rush.

Does anyone else have this problem?Strange that I can access all the other components of mobile me without a hitch. I have tried my iTunes Password and the password to the phone itself.

I can locate my phone when I use the find my phone app on the phone but what good is that? ;-0

Where are you getting the error at - remove the MMe account on your phone and readd with full email address (it used to put @me.com in automatically, it now requires that you enter it since anyone with any email address can access Find My iPhone).

Same thing for me.com and the Find My iPhone App the user id is the full email address including @me.com and the same password you always used.

you had suggested that when I inquired about this problem but hadn't updated to 4.2 yet. I forgot about deleting the account from the phone. Will try that now again as I have since updated to 4.2.

no go. Deleted the account from phone. Readers with full address and still get password incorrect at second asking in the find my phone on PC. I am going to call support. Perhaps they have some flukey thing that is going on.

Here is a "problem" for all the experts to ponder:

I have an iPhone 4 running 4.2.1 and the free find my iPhone service. Find my iPhone works the three or four times I have tried it. But I keep getting "Can not access (user id) check settings". When I check my user ID and password all looks fine.

I'm getting the same exact thing. Everything work fine, but that warning comes up periodically

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