Saturday, November 6, 2010

Slide to delete email

Apple iPhone Slide to delete email

My husband and I both have iphone 4. When he is in his email he can slide his finger and the delete button comes up, when I slide my finger on mine the archive button comes up, why? How can I get mine to come up delete instead of archive, I'm sure it's probably simple but I'm not very good at this iphone stuff yet. I will say that I hope I never have to be without one again!

iPhone Email
sugar tablet apple iphone email
Archive is a feature of GMail you can turn it off in Settings > Mail > {Account} > Archive Messages On or Off

Go into email and turn off grouping

That has nothing to do with Archive and Delete

Oh sorry. I was sure when I changed that setting on my phone that the archive thing went away. My poor memory. Thanks for fixing my ooops.

You are using Gmail and your husband is not. That's why...

I have a 3G but go to "Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendar>Your Email Account" Once I am in my email account I scroll down and it says "Archive Messages". I set it to "Off" and it deletes when I slide my finger. I do use gMail.

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