Saturday, November 6, 2010

3G MicroCell

Apple iPhone - 3G MicroCell

Is there anyone here using AT&Ts 3G MicroCell? What kind of problems are you having, if any?

I have intermitant coverage at my home and plan to get and install a MicroCell at my home. However in reading reviews on the internet I see there have a lot of problems. The thing is I can't any recent reviews and am not sure what that means, so I am looking for users who have iPhones that can provide info before I take the plunge.

I want BETTER service not WORSE for my $150.00.

iPhone ATT
alg ny dailynews apple iphone att
I'm using one, and am having absolutely no problems. My phone works every time I use it at home now. My son who lives in the basement and previously had no reception has perfect reception now.

It was down once. I'm not sure what caused it, but we rebooted our internet router and modem and the microcell and everything went back to normal.

The key to making it work well is to have it in a window where it gets a good connection (to whatever it needs to connect to, LOL!). And you have to have good working internet service too.

Are they still offering the rebate? That was a nice deal.

They work great if you follow the set up properly. I wouldn't pay $150 though, contact AT&T and tell them you can't get service, contact them on Twitter, etc - try to at least get the $100 off coupon if not the 'free' coupon. I don't understand why they try and charge so much for these, the hardware literally costs <$20 to build, you are using YOUR internet connection and your minutes/data/etc are still being deducted - why should you/we have to pay $150 per location (up to 4/5 phones) to make it work.

What are people doing wrong in the set up that is causing problems? Do you know?

It can be any number of things - just follow the instructions. One of the most common is plugging it in after everything else on say a slower DSL or 'low end' cable connection where bandwidth is limited and they are streaming video or downloading other large files from normal or less reputable sites and allocate/reserve any bandwidth for the Microcell. This is a problem with Vonage, MagicJack and other VoIP services as well - the recommended way to set up any of these devices is as the first item connected to the network and let it reserve what it needs then you get access to the rest of your bandwidth. Other than that you just have to make sure you download all software and firmware updates, program in the phone number(s) of each device that is authorized to use it, basically go through the set up and follow (READ) the instructions, etc.


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