Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Google Voice app for iPhone hits the App Store

Apple iPhone - Official Google Voice app for iPhone hits the App Store

I have a Google Voice number that I never use. Can this feasibly be used instead of my AT&T number? I was just wondering because if it can, I could drop down to the absolute lowest plan that they have and save me some money.

iPhone Google
Storage images Media Apple iPhone Google
Google Voice is NOT VoIP it is just a 'one number' forwarding service - if you use your GVoice # it just forwards the calls to your AT&T number. Now if you set Google Voice to use your GV # as the caller ID on calls, you can set it as one of your "Friends and Family" numbers and save minutes that way but Friends & Family isn't available unless you are on the 1400+ plan...

I know I'm not ...but.....if you use Google voice...it counts towards your minutes, HOWEVER, if you have AT&T's friends list plan...you could conceivably circumvent it and add the Google number as one of your numbers and it wouldn't use your minutes. Hope that makes sense to you!

Can you please send a link to download the app? I looked it up I saw a few apps
not sure which one is the real one. Thanks :)

Here's the official Google App:

As the article said, you have to search by GOOGLEVOICE all one word for some odd reason

To search for it in iTunes type in googlevoice all one word, though the App is Google Voice. Strange.

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