Thursday, November 11, 2010

Adding Picture to Facebook Mobile

Apple iPhone - Adding Picture to Facebook Mobile

On my iPhone, I can't seem to add pictures to the Facebook Mobile app from my Photos Camera Roll. Did Facebook drop this feature? I know I did this before the last upgrade. When I go under the Photos section in the Facebook App, all I can do is create an Album and not add any pictures.

Am I missing something?

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You can do it from you are updating your status. Touch the picture icon, and then select, choose from library.

Actually, I am in the same boat as Mark. Before the upgrade, I could pick
which album to load the picture to (so if it was of my dog, I could put it in the "Georgie" file). Now, I just upload the picture, and it only goes to the Mobile Upload album... you can't choose where it is placed.

Yes, it goes to mobile uploads. Pretty sure.

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