Monday, November 22, 2010

Google Contacts

Apple iPhone - Google Contacts

I noticed something today which I've never noticed before. I no longer user MobileMe to sync my contacts, I've gone to Google to do so. It works perfectly for my needs, except for this one glitch. I have coworkers who recently obtained Blackberry's (company issued). They have "work" - or office numbers, they have personal cell phone numbers and now they have these Blackberry's. I happened to be in front of my desktop when they obtained their new numbers and I made a custom label for the blackberry number, entitled "blackberry".

Well I discovered that the custom label didn't sync with my iPhone. Undaunted I went to my iPhone and attempted to make a custom label in the contact area and found that I could not. Hopefully, all of the guru's here will tell me the secret to make such a custom label. I can make the "blackberry" number another "work" label but as I said earlier, the work label has their desk phone listed and I would like to be as accurate as possible in labeling the numbers.

Any suggestions for me on this? or am I doing something wrong? I would love to be able to change the choices on the iPhone, considering that it has a label for "pager" and who on earth still has one of those? If I could rename Pager to BB or Blackberry, at least it would be more relevant for my needs.

iPhone Google
Let s see about Apple iPhone Google
Perhaps label blackberries as work mobile or company mobile.

If you sync "over the air" with Google, it will only sync the basic labels. It will not sync custom ones.

It's a limitation of Exchange which is how you're most likely synching google contacts now. It's a well known limitation and you can't use custom labels. I went through and created a boatload of custom labels in Goigle contacts only to find the phone numbers disappeared at next sync. Had to go back and put them as work and pager numbers again.

Thank you for this explanation. I shall have to come up with my own system for remembering which number is which.

When you'll go to, go to iPhone option and you'll see it's limitations as which fields sync.

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