Monday, November 8, 2010

Calendar Setting

Apple iPhone - Calendar question

On my iPhone 4, it has my Mobile Me calendar, my Yahoo calendar, my Gmail calendar, and those are all fine.

But then it has a calendar under the category "Other" called Birthdays, and for whatever reason it has listings for some of my contacts that are NOT their birthdays, and those entries do not get an Edit button on the iPhone.

I've gone to settings under calendar, and I don't even know where that one comes from. I've dropped and re-added every account that says it has a calendar, and that one persists. Where does it come from, and how can I get rid of - or at least fix - it? I have it unchecked, and the dates are off the calendar, but I find that unsatisfying - I want it really "fixed". Any ideas?

iPhone Calendar
More Features Apple iPhone Calendar
I'm not positive this will solve your issue but try this. If you go to iCal (I'm assuming you use the Mac) in the preference pane, under General you should see a checkbox for showing the birthday calendar. If this is checked, you can uncheck and it should go away from iCal as well as Mobile Me.

These dates come from the Address Book where you can put in the birthday of your contacts. There may also be another way to enable it directly on the phone so if you want to fix the dates you should be able to do it from the Address Book.

Hope that is the issue and you can fix it using my limited knowledge.

about unchecking the Birthdays from iCal. Yes I do use a Mac, but I actually already tried that - and the thing is that there are actually TWO birthday calendars showing up. One is that one, but it is not where the bad dates are. I DO want my birthdays from the Address Book, where all the dates are right, and those do not exist.

When it lists the calendars, there are the ones under Mobile Me - including Birthdays, the ones under each of my email addresses, and then this "Other" category (that actually says "Other"), which has the second Birthdays calendar.

I have no idea at all where it comes from - and they don't show up in Mobile Me at all - not even after syncing. I have checked my Mac, my iPad, my husband's iPhone, all my email account calendars, everywhere I can think of - and I don't see those "wrong" birthday dates listed anywhere.

I heard this issue addressed on a recent podcast, but I"m afraid I don't remember what the solution was (since I don't have the problem, the solution didn't stick in my mind).

But the podast is The Mac Observer's Mac Geek Gab #293 (Premium Free Sample). As I recall, the issue of calendars and how to delete unwanted ones was a topic.

I looked for it and I can see the Other Calendar on my iPhone as well. You can uncheck it so it is not visible. I also noticed that I could get entries to appear by entering a date on the address book birthday field on the iPhone. It appears to be a different Birthday's calendar than the one associated with iCal -- I guess this is wrong the entry on my Phone synced to my computer's Address Book.

So I believe you have two choices:
1.) Uncheck the birthdays calendar under Other in Iphone Calendar program.
2.) Correct the address book entries for the birthday's that are wrong.

It may be that if you put in any field with a date it shows up as a birthday.

Okay - so closer - but now the issue is different. It IS the iPhone calendar that is showing up - and I want it to. BUT - in big letters, BUT. It is my father's birthday that is showing up wrong. His birthday is August 18. It shows up on December 13th. When I remove his birthday, the December 13th entry goes away. When I put back August 18th, December 13th comes back. All my other birthdays seem to be right...

So any more ideas, anyone???

Do you have it set to remind you 5 days earlier? Does it also show up on the specified date?

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