Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can't click on some sites

Apple iPhone - Can't click on some sites

Has anyone else experienced this. I go to Google and try to click on the magnifying glass and nothing. I can't look up or display anything. I can't click on everything else except for search. Same thing with Facebook (don't use the app) I can't click on login. Nor does the website come up. Only thing I can click on is the logout button. Could someone explain?

iPhone tutorial Apple iPhone Explain what you are doing in a little more detail, so we might be able to figure out a solution for you.

Are you using Safari and in the right search window? Or have you gone to with Safari or another web browser and on the google web page? Has the page fully loaded or is it still loading?

No I go to google with safari. The page fully come up. I can click on images and all other options. It's just the search function doesn't work. When I input something to search amd them click the magnifying glass. Nothing happens. It's as if it's locked out or greyed out. Everything else on the screen works. Same with facebook. When I try to hit the login button it doesn't work. Nor does the page fully come up

Why not use the google app?

This is pretty much a front end for Safari on the iPhone. It would be useful to know if the result is any different.

When this kind of thing happens I reboot the phone. When I had a 3G it took forever and I didn't do it much, but the iPhone 4 reboots so fast--if anything doesn't work like it should, I reboot and the strangeness is usually gone.

Yeh I have rebooted (did I spell that right)3 times. It still is the same problem. It's strange. It just happened like over night. Example on a Saturday it was doing fine. Sunday morning hit refresh and now Google/Facebook no longer work through safari. Plus it's just those sites.

Can you accidentally dial someones phone if your iPhone is in your pocket?

Yes you can I have done it plenty of times. Don't ask me how but I did

If you close the screen, or move away from the Phone app, before putting it in your pocket, how?

Some folks do not put their iPhone to 'sleep' by pressing the top button. This results in 'bum dials' & also drains the battery.

I'm finding at the store, that many people do not know putting your iPhone to sleep does not stop you from getting calls. Many leave it on and awake, and then erroneously dial out

On my way to work, I'll have some music playing, I lock the iPhone, park it into my pocket and go off to work. No hassle, and I get calls during music play. Song fades off and my ringtone ("V-Final Battle Theme" if you're interested) comes on. I press my headphone cord and answer. Cool.

For several years now, not infrequently, one of my friends and partners in medical practice and I have initiated a conversation with each other thusly:

"Did your phone call my phone?"

Frequently, the answer has been

"Hmm, I guess it did."

Over the last year, during which we both bought our first iPhones (3GS), this hasn't changed very much...................

Besides rebooting your phone, have you tried clearing your cache and your cookies?

No that is the one thing that I have not done. Would that erase all of my sites. I was concerned that if I did clear everything. How would that affect my web browsing.

It must be something with the safari browser. Tried another browser and everything worked. Well at least facebook

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