Monday, October 18, 2010

Oily on the bottom

Apple iPhone - oily on the bottom

I fell in love with the iPhone from the moment I saw the first ad. Although there have been minor issues, my iPhone has been my lifeline. I'm a professional petsitter and it has made running my business so much easier.

Today I sat my iPhone on a shelf of my computer desk while I took care of some things. When I finished and picked it back up, I noticed it felt oily on the bottom. Further investigation found a bottle of incense solvent (a oil used to cut fragrance oils) had been left on the next shelf up and had developed a leak...right onto the phone below. I've had it laying so it could drain, but the screen is now very difficult to read. I don't know how, if at all, this will affect the iPhone other than making it hard to see what's on the screen. I synced right away to make sure everything is backed up off it just in case. It doesn't seem to be draining any more, but I'm afraid it's totally ruined. You can see air bubbles under the glass. I'm so not happy with myself.

iPhone Warranty
oily apple iphone oily
This will be likely impossible to clear up because it is an oil substance. It's doubtful that Apple will replace it.

Your best bet is to buy a new iPhone.

The visibility is getting worse. I can't afford to buy a new phone right now. I'm thinking I'll go back to my old iPhone until I can afford to get a new one. Luckily I still have every cell phone I've ever owned. Someday I will mount them in a shadow box.

I just put the SIM card back in the old one, right?

It's my understanding you can exchange a "bad" iPhone for a "good" iPhone of the same version for just $100.00. My son exchanged an iPhone 4 with broken glass for just $100.00 at the local Apple store.

They are going a few "extra miles" on iPhone 4 breaks than they have in the past, at least that I have read and seen - a LOT of people have posted here and other places that they walked in with broken glass (front or back) and it was either repaired or replaced at no charge or for $100, typically it is $199 for the front and on iPhone 4, I think the official price for the back was $99 (front contains touch interface and glass).

It's not a 'bad' iPhone. Oil was spilled on it. My fault. The iPhone that got 'oiled' was the upgrade I got last year. The iPhone I'm going back to temporarily is an original iPhone. The SIM is from it originally.

I know the oil is your fault, that's my point. Since it's not under warranty that's why the $100.00 exchange "fee". Call your local Apple store. My son broke his glass so his was his fault too but he was able to exchange it For the fee.

I would take it into an Apple store and tell them what happened and ask them if they can help you. Honesty with them is the best way to approach them in this case.

If you have a iPhone 4, you have a micro SIM card, the original had a regular SIM card. You will need to get a new SIM card to fit the old phone, if Apple is not feeling generous.

Last time I used AT&T, SIM cards were physically interchangeable, that is the entire point of them. How will it not fit?

The iPhone 4 uses a microSIM. The older ones used miniSIM.

I did not know that, I thought they were always that size.

I assume you've checked to see if it's covered by your house contents insurance?

BTW what's a "shadow box"?

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