Tuesday, October 19, 2010

250,000 AppleTVs in 18 days. Is that a lot?

Apple iPhone - 250,000 AppleTVs in 18 days. Is that a lot?

On one hand, Apple's announcement that it had sold a quarter of a million AppleTVs in just 18 days seems like a solid number. At that rate, a million in a little over two months (and 100M in revenue!). Steve Jobs said he was very pleased with the sales. But is it really that many?

Apple TV
250,000 Apple iPhone TV
A few stats to consider:
- There are three times as many TVs used on earth as mobile phones, close to 5 billion.

- Apple sells 275-300,000 iOS devices a day. Those now include AppleTVs. Over the three week launch period, less than 5% of iOS devices sold were AppleTVs (btw, that̢۪s up 45,000 devices a day since new iPod/AppleTV announcement)

- AppleTV, even though it has the biggest screen, is by far the cheapest iOS device at only $99. It costs 1/5th the iPad and significantly less than half of the iPod touch.

All we're saying is there is a lot more room for growth. When people see what they can do with Airplay, things should pick up.


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