Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Battery App

Apple iPhone - Battery App

first , thank you all for letting me vent about my scratched screen. took it to Apple Store and they cleaned it up - was not scratched after all. I did put an anti-glare screen protector on it though. i had one on my old iPhone and it really helped protect it from scratches and also I use reading glasses and it helps with the glare.

Secondly, is there a battery app. for the iPhone 4?

Thirdly, the back of my iPhone 4 gets hot. Anyone experience this? I have only experience it once. I did experience it with my 1st gen. but only after my daughter played games for a long time.

iPhone App
Battery App Apple iphone app
What do you mean by battery app? There is a percentage monitor built in (Settings > General > Usage) and no the back should not get hot, it could possibly get warm if used constantly for long periods of time. Tthe battery does emit heat so constant battery drainage would heat the glass but it should never become hot to point of unable to touch.

battery app

Battery Magic
Battery Time


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