Friday, October 8, 2010

Cracked Front Glass

Apple iPhone Guarantee - Cracked Front Glass

Yesterday my phone fell from my lap when I got out of the car. I was so upset when I saw the front of my iPhone was shattered. I took it to the Apple Store expecting to pay the $199 fee for repair. I couldn't believe it when they decided to give me a complimentary free new iPhone 4 instead!! Wow! I'm so happy


iPhone Guarantee
Apple Care Protection Plan Guarantee apple iphone
They did that for me too. I was thrilled.


Should I drop mine?? Did you already have a 4?

Just kidding that is wonderful. Good for apple and customer relations.

Yea you have to drop a 4 to get a 4. Good try though! :-)

Yes, the iPhone that I dropped was an iPhone 4. Not sure what makes them decide who they will do this for, but I am very appreciative!!

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