Friday, October 15, 2010

Ipad Options

Apple iPhone - Ipad Options

I have a few questions regarding the Apple iPad after hearing that a few people in the group (probably more than a few), bought it when it came out. Last year for Christmas I bought my husband a Kindle thinking since he is an avid reader that he would really enjoy it. He is not that crazy about it at all, so it just lays around unused most of the time. He says he would rather have a real book in his hands for some reason. I am going to see if I can possibly sell it on EBay or something. I have too many gadgets of my own right now to start using it myself. My main love of course is my iPhone. Anyway, I am seriously thinking of getting him an iPad for Christmas this year. I think he would get much more use out of it since he fell in love with my 3GS that I handed down to him when I got the iPhone 4. What I am wondering is if I should get the one without the 3G. I really don't think he would be taking it out of the house that much. But, I was also thinking that if he was to travel he might want that ability.

For someone that is not constantly on the computer, would the model with only wi-fi suffice?

And, do you think that tethering is ever going to come to the iPhone so that the 3G could be used on the iPad that way?

I want to make sure that I get the right model and don't end up wishing I had spent the money on the more expensive one.

iPhone iPad
Options for Apple iPhone iPad

Honestly at this point, 1. I would wait to see what is announced at the press conference on Wednesday,

2. new iPads will likely be announced if not come out in Jan/Feb but other than that the WiFi model has been fine for me since they came out. I have an iPhone (as it sounds like both of you do) for GPS & 3G data needs on the go and if I really need it my Verizon Droid can be a WiFi hot spot but other than testing it twice (when I got it and after an upgrade) I have never used it. My iPad goes with me every day but I rarely use it because I am generally in front of a computer unless I am in the car and then if necessary use the phone, it is mainly used at home for videos, reading, etc.

Would add to the "wait for the new model", consider buying from Verizon and get the MiFi package. A brief look indicated the MiFi would add $30 to the price of an iPad and then you have the option of a non contract data plan for $50 a month/5GB. The Mifi can be used with up to 5 computers like a Touch, netbook. Currently the Verizon MiFi is free if you buy online, but the contract is 2 years at $59 a month.

But if your husband doesn't like reading on the Kindle, doubt he will like the iPad for reading either. I keep books on the Touch or iPad for waiting inline, appointments, but if I want to "read" a book, I want paper.

I also thought I do not need the 3G on the iPad.
Trust me, I sooooo regret I only got the WiFi-only model.

Unless you live in a city where free wifi is everywhere.

So glad I have the wifi+3G model, I'm in new York city and wireless access is by no means universal.

Did you hear that Verizon's going to be selling the iPad in 2 weeks.

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