Friday, December 17, 2010

Multiple copies of iPhone pics in iPhoto

Apple iPhone - Multiple copies of iPhone pics in iPhoto - Why?

In preparation for our annual family letter I looked over the "last 12 months" of iPhotos and noted that in several instances there were as many as 8 copies of the same photo, all next to each other in iPhoto. They all came from my iPhone camera. Photos from other sources appear only once.

Why is this happening?

Can I delete the duplicates without having to scroll the entire year's collection of photos?

iPhone Photography
Pics Picture Apple iPhone Photography
Most likely when you imported the pics you didn't delete them from the iPhone so when you connected the iPhone again it imported them again. Generally, iPhoto asks whether you want to re-import them again though. Maybe you turned off that nag dialog somewhere in the past.

Second answer, maybe. I've always just scrolled through and deleted the extras though, so I don't know.

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