Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nike + iPod?

Apple iPhone - Nike + iPod?

I was just using the Apple "Settings" app and looking at the "App" preferences that are in the last half of the opening screen. While there, I noticed an app titled "Nike + iPod". It has a lot of preferences and I turned it "On" and found they were all live and settable. I turned it back "Off". But the main thing I wanted to ask is: What is it there for? I don't have an app called "Nike + iPod" or anything resembling that. Any ideas?

iPhone iPod
What can be done by Apple iPhone iPod
Switch it ON again and the app appears.

You are right. I tried to delete it and found out I can't. So it must be one of Apple's own apps. Nike must be paying Apple a bundle for the exclusiveness.
That makes Nike the first 'Adware' on the iPhone!

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