Monday, December 20, 2010

iTunes problem - missing files

Apple iPhone - iTunes problem - missing files

I tried to start iTunes tonight; got an exception message that it was missing files & needs to be re-installed.

Do I need to copy my music library & re-name the copied file? I'm concerned the re-install will wipe it out.

**I do not have the latest itunes software installed. Will this cause problems in the first sync? I have both an iPad & iPhone 3GS.

iPhone iTunes
Remoted photos for Apple iPhone iTunes
The new iTunes has options to back up and restore to a new iPhone that I just used last night. A lot better than previous versions for sure. Unfortunately, "backup" and "restore" (to a new phone) are NOT what they are cracked up to be. After several hours of dinking around with it and having to re-"purchase" my free apps (I never pay for any of them), I finally had my new phone working.

Restore does NOT restore folders under IOS 4.1, maybe I should have taken 45 minutes per phone - old and new - and upgraded to 4.2. I doubt 4.2 restores folders, either. A lot of my time was re-sorting apps into folders. VERY time consuming.

I really wish I had downloaded that one copy program from a couple of weeks ago - it just goes to show that even if you think you are never going to use a neat utility, it still pays to grab it while you can. Until they give iTunes a true explorer like interface with full drag and drop read and write - I will classify it as "cripple ware".

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