Thursday, December 23, 2010 not working on iPhone 4

Apple iPhone - not working on iPhone 4

We bought an iPhone 4 last night, brought it home and authorized it, sync'ed and everything looked fine. Email showed up and worked, calendars and contacts.

Seemed to work this am, as well.

Now, I don't see the email account even as an option. The calendar is selected but no events show. All the contacts show.

In the Settings, under the MobileMe account, I see the word 'Inactive'. Not a good sign. Selecting it shows none of the usual 'options'. Only the email name and the choice to Delete it.

I've tried deleting and then recreating. I'm getting the same results.


iPhone Warranty
hottest Girls image Use asap Apple iPhone Warranty
Call AppleCare ASAP. if you wait until after Christmas you could face a long hold time. They were very helpful and helped me solve a couple of newby issues when Zi first bought my IPhone.

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