Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Google mail on iPhone

Apple iPhone - Google mail on iPhone

I have a Google mail account set up on my iPhone 4 but need some help with mail retrieval. Right now it downloads mail from all my different email accounts (Google and non-Google providers) as soon as I open the mail app.

What I would like it to do is not automatically download all my mail when the mail app is opened but would like to pick and choose which email accounts I want to check at that particular moment.

I can't seem to figure out how to do that. Will someone kindly point me towards the right direction?

iPhone Email
We have something new about Apple iPhone Email
If it is set to manual and turned on, I am fairly certain even 4.2 continues to check all accounts as soon as you launch the mail app. The "Manual" setting only keeps it from checking in the background, the iPhone thinks as soon as you open the mail app you want to know if you have mail in any account and checks them all...

You can go to Settings/Mail and selectively disable/activate the accounts you want by turning them OFF or ON before you go to the iPhone mail app. If you have Gmail collecting all of your mail from the other accounts and then forwarding them to you via Gmail then you will need to change your settings in Gmail.

How annoying! Thanks for responding, at least I know that I was not completely missing something.

Have you set up all those mail accounts to your Iphone or have you organised your gmail account to collect all the emails?

By default, iPhone native mail app downloads mail from all synced mail accounts.

If you want to down only your Gmail account, you can download and try GMailApp from App Stores

But with the mail app you can easily select just the mail account you want to check. It's pretty simple. No need for a new app to use.

I got lost with the last 3 replies. Which mail app are you talking about? The native iPhone app?

To address just downloading the gmail accts, I have email accounts with 3 different isps. So being able to pick and choose from my gmail accounts does help but there are still the other accts that I am trying to cherry pick mail from.

I am talking about the native app.
I am not sure why anyone has a hard time managing their email. Select which ISP you want to check and scroll through your emails. No different than a desktop mail app!

Clean up the accounts regularly so it doesn't become overwhelming.

That's all the advice I can offer.

You can set up gmail so that it pulls the mail from your other isp's and then set labels for each source. I do this. Then you use the gmail free app and the mail from each isp is in a separate label as well as the inbox. You can then look at each one you want to or all at once.

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