Saturday, December 4, 2010

ITunes Bug?

Apple iPhone - ITunes Bug?

Has anyone else had this happen?

I double clicked on iTunes on my PC (all software was already up to date) and had not even connected my iPhone 4 to synch, when a box popped up saying "please answer a few questions to improve operation of iTunes" or something to that effect.

Then it asked 2 or 3 questions like "Do you want to manage your files or have iTunes do it for you?". I said I wanted to manage them myself. Then it started copying files beginning with apps and for each of my 200 apps it said "there is already a newer version of this app installed; do you want to replace it anyway? I said no 200 times.

It then proceeded to copy all the old versions of the apps and also duplicated all my books, videos, some playlists etc. What the heck happened? I am now afraid to synch which I need to do daily for my calendar and work.

All I did was start iTunes as I always have. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

iPhone iTunes
How to solved problem Apple iPhone iTunes
I had that very same thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago. I have no
idea why and didn't appreciate all the cleanup I had to do afterwards.

Advice: If you have anti-virus software, run it.

This does not sound like Apple, they do not ask how to improve their software. (You can send them feedback, but they never ask, and very seldom survey.) If there was no iPhone, iPod or iPad attached, it should not back up or copy anything.

I'm a Mac user, so I can not give you specific advice other than to run your AV software.

What mess afterwards?

Duplication of many songs, random changing of song titles, random changing of genres, apps conflicts, itunes settings changed.


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