Sunday, January 23, 2011

Scramble CE - very slow

Apple iPhone - Scramble CE - very slow

Any one use Scramble CE by Zynga? When I select Challenge and go to the page that lists previous and pending games, my iPhone4 starts the white spinning wheel and then is busy for upwards of a minute. This happens virtually all the time with my and my wife's phones. It didn't use to be that way. We do have a lot of 'old' games listed and we're thinking this is a problem with the Zynga server. We don't know how to delete this unneeded history, if that is the cause.

We have deleted the Scramble game from iTunes and our iPhones, then redownloaded it and reinstalled it.

No difference.

I posted a question at the Zynga user forum but it's not very active and no one responded.

We like the game but this 1 min. wait is a real turn-off.

iPhone Game
Apple iPhone Game Scramble
I dont know the game, but on words with friends you just swipe on the name of the finished game and you can delete. Just like deleting email.

I use it and just tried mine and it worked fine so maybe it is the long history of old games. I use a 3GS on iOS 4.1 so maybe it's an iPhone 4 specific issue?

I've had problems w/Scrabble the past couple of days too so I'm guessing it's a Scrabble issue.


Anonymous said...

Yep I've been having this same problem - definitely relates to having a long history of games. I've been sniffing the traffic between the iPhone and Zynga and it downloads around 250Kb of data every time you access those screens.
I'm trying to see if there's a way to delete games, including sending intentionally malformed URLs to the Zynga server in the hope I might strike it lucky, but so far no luck.
Best solution I can think of is to start a new profile, somehow.

Anonymous said...

Post if anyone figures it out. Drives me nuts when i want to play, girlfriend and I challenge all the time, very fun, but sucks with the wait so I rarely play now. Only way I can get new profile that I've found is download it using different iTunes account. Too much of a hassle. Help!