Thursday, January 13, 2011

iCal vs google calendar

Apple iPhone - iCal vs google calendar

I have been using iCal to sync with my iphone but lately it's been really buggy so I was wondering if you think I would have better luck using google calendar to sync with iphone?

iPhone Call
Apple iPhone Call
I actually use both google for work ical for personal

what do you mean by 'buggy'?

not syncing and then a day or two later it will sync but then ill get duplicates.

Wow. That's definitely a new one for me! Mine seems to be working fine...hopefully someone with helpful suggestions will chime in.

Do you sync Google with iCal or your iPhone?

I sync Google with my phone. It's a one way thing. My phone doesn't go to Google but Google goes to my phone.

Make sure you don't have a sync connection with both your Mac (On My Mac) and MobileMe. If both are on, you will get duplicates on your calendar. One from the desktop when you initiate a wired sync and another wirelessly with MobileMe. This is not a bug, it's the result of asking the system to sync with two sources.

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