Thursday, January 13, 2011

iOS 4.3 brings Personal Hotspot to GSM iPhones

Apple iPhone - iOS 4.3 brings Personal Hotspot to GSM iPhones

Perhaps some of our Verizon users could comment on what hotspot use does to battery life.

iPhone iOS
Apple iPhone iOS
What I don't understand - why on earth would I want to create a wifi hotspot? I see this commercial where someone sits down, creates a hotspot, and everybody around them starts using it. I have a hard enough time keeping spammers, pedophiles, porn0graphers, phishers, keyboard loggers, trojan horses, and other scum out of my affairs as it is without giving them wifi access through my phone. Wouldn't they also be bandwidth vampires running up my data usage and costing me additional fees?

What am I missing here?

I am sure it can be password protected.

But i would use it with my iPad or laptop.

Other devices like Printer, Scanner, domestic gadgets like toasters, TV, music system etc. would sooner or later will become part of your personal wireless network at home or while on the move.

You password protect it and I know many full time rvers who use hotspots to connect at least two computers to the internet. I'm sure there are others who use all five connections.

You would have the option of password protecting your hotspot so you could, for instance, use it with your wifi laptop but no one else could use it.

I don't know why the commercials show a bunch of random people in the park using it. Makes no sense to me.

It would be like when I use my Sprint Overdrive. It is a 4G WiFi Hot Spot.

It is password protected so I can use my MacBook Pro or MacBook Air on it.

The EVO from Sprint dose that and Droid X on Verizon. On my iPhone I do not care if it has a Hot Spot since I do have a Overdrive.

The Palm Pre Plus on Verizon also offers the hotspot. I don't know about costs with the Droid, but with the Palm the hotspot is free up to 5 gB. The hotspot was one of the major deciding factors when I upgraded my old phone to the Pre Plus.

I am stuck with Verizon because of coverage issues. I can't WAIT to see if I'll be able to get the new iphone at a reasonable cost.

Last night my power went out (fortunately only for about 10 minutes).

If I had Wifi hotspot capability, I could have activated it and continued online with my laptop, even though the DSL modem and the Airport wireless router were dead.

Advertisers are the ones who got the idea all wrong. They presume that it is still the time of unconditional giving and sacrifice. Well, not with your personal hotspot. You use it for your iPad that has no 3G and your computer. Well, maybe your bestfriend's iPod touch... But not for anyone. That's why it's got password anyway.

These MyFi/Personal Wi-Fi/Personal Hotspots are everywhere where I am. But their commercials just don't get the point why people buy them. Probably the advertising agency's fault.

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