Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shattered Face

Apple iPhone - Shattered Face

I just got a new iPhone4 last week.

I hadn't gotten around to getting a case for it. It fell hard on the concrete in front of my house. arrrgh, the glass is shattered. It still works though! Any suggestions? Should I get it fixed, or do you think I'm gonna need to buy a new one?

iPhone Case
Apple iPhone Case
Take it to an Apple Store - I have heard many a story of phones being replaced at no charge if they are broken in the first 30 days. Even if they don't replace it, they can fix it for a LOT cheaper than the cost of a new unsubsidized phone ($699 for 16GB/$799 for 32GB).

There are also many third parties that do this repair.

I have had a couple of friends replace their own. They said it wasn't too difficult & these guys aren't really techies either. Most important thing is to make sure you have completely shut off your phone (holding down the top button til it says slide to shut off & screen goes completely black). Otherwise your phone shorts out. I think the cell repair guys fix it for $65. If you do it yourself it's about $30.

You can also check with the credit card company. Many card companies offer purchase protection as a free benefit of the service. It basically allows you to replace/fix the unit for free if something happens within the first 60 days. You would have to check the terms of the specific card company you use.

One potential problem is the charge on your card is not really the full value of the device since you are getting a subsidy from the carrier. In this case, they may only cover what you paid for the phone.


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