Thursday, August 12, 2010

Managing Mail on iPhone 4

Apple iPhone - Managing Mail on iPhone 4

This is my very first iPhone 4. Can someone point me towards a board or article that explains about how mail works on the iPhone?

At present I do not have mail on my iPhone. I'm using Outlook on Windows XP and I get 100's of emails to my computer, mainly through the Yahoo groups I belong to.

I have put my Yahoo group emails in their own folders and kept my inbox to manageable levels. Can I choose only to have my inbox sent to my iphone so I only get personal emails to my phone, not all my groups?

My email address is with my provider and not with a Yahoo or Gmail type provider.

iPhone email
ipone girl mobile user mobi apple iphone email
If you've set your email up using you main email address yes all your group emails will be forwarded to your iPhone. You'd need to change the email address that your yahoo group stuff gets sent to in order to decrease emails to your iPhone.

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