Friday, August 6, 2010

Archive vs. Delete

Apple iPhone Email - Archive vs. Delete

What is the deal with deleting messages in OS 4? Some messages I want to dispose of say "archive message" and other times it says "delete message". I am not allowed an option when I ask to delete. Is there a rhyme or reason to this? Can I turn off "archive message"? And, if it IS archiving, where does it end up???

iphone email
Google & MMe allow archiving and it can be turned on or off on a per account basis (settings > Mail > {Account})

I know how to archive at - but don't see the automatic option on the iPhone, similar to Gmail. Is this a version 4.1 thing we should look forward to?

Probably, I forget that not everyone is on the same version as I am and 4.0 was officially launched before the archive feature was available on

Settings>Mail>Name of Account>Archive Messages. Turn it to off. This will always delete. If your account is gmail, then the archive sends it to "all mail". This removes it from inbox and kindof stores it elsewhere.

Hmm. My email account doesn't show an Archive Messages option. Is this a gmail only option?

Not sure, gmail is the only one I use.

Yeah Gmail only as it's neither part of the POP nor IMAP standard...

GMail let's you "archive" instead of delete.

Turn off by going to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Select your
Gmail account > Turn OFF Archive Messages

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