Monday, August 9, 2010


Apple iPhone - Backup

Following the recent disaster when the Sync with iTunes deleted my Notes, I have been looking at my backup issues. Is there a way in which I can retrieve the iTunes backup as a file (which can then be backed-up separately from iTunes)? As iTunes overwrites the backup each time, this is surely essential to the functioning of the whole system, but I cannot find where the backup actually is on the HDD. There must be a way surely.

iPhone tutorials
Beyond the boards Apple iphone tutorial
Within your own home folder, look in the folder: Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup In that folder you should find a folder with a very long, cryptic, hexadecimal number for a name. That folder contains the contents of your most recent backup. A lot of .mddata and .mdinfo files. There is also a few .plist files that are readable. If you keep backing up the folder with the long hexadecimal number for a name you should be able to store a history of your backups.


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