Thursday, August 5, 2010

Google Talk on iOS4

Apple iPhone - Better Google Talk on iOS4

I bought my iPhone 3GS a week before the launch of iPhone 4 after seeing the sneak pics on Gizmodo - well aware that the iPhone 4 was around the corner in the US, but also predicting much to my confirmation that Apple would be slow in releasing the product in India, and if it will be, it would be only a few months before the launch of the next launch in the US - whatever they choose to call it - iPhone 4S perhaps.

Anyway, before they launched iOS4, I was using eBuddyMessenger to stay online on gtalk which would give push notifications to my phone if someone sent me a message and the messenger was not running. This was cool. Now after iOS4, with multi-tasking available, is there a better application to have google talk run in the background? eBuddyMessenger has a uniquely high propensity to crash, which I hate - and takes time to sign in, especially in comparison to the expectation that I should be able to respond to a gtalk text as fast or faster than a sms message.

Previously, I used fring on my Nokia E71, and that works just great. But cant say the same for iPhone. Still think there are many places where Apple needs to improve user experience. Many applications available - but not all are smooth and easy to use.

iPhone iOS
Google Search Apple iPhone iOS
I highly recommend Beejive IM.

It supports Google Talk, AIM, ICQ, Facebook chat, MSN Live, and more.

I think it is the best of kind.

I use Meebo for all my iPhone IM'ing needs and its free. It also has push notifications and the great thing about it is that I also use the client on my PC and Mac and it knows where I am signed on. I can start a conversation on the iPhone and finish it on the Mac and vice versa.


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