Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Looking for Password Apps

Apple iPhone - Looking for Password Apps suggestions

I just got my iPhone4 (verizon) and I am looking for a password program to help me keep track of all the passwords I have to remember now days. I use a program called Sticky password on my PC but sadly they do not have a iPhone version. I have looked in the app store and am overwelmed with the choices and thought that before I spent money on something I might or might not like that I would ask for suggestions from the expert users here.

iPhone Verizon
Apple iPhone Verizon
I use "mSecure" and like it.

I use msecure as well. Love it!

I use 1Password on the iPhone, iMac, and Macbook Pro.

I use SplashID from my palm days. Had encrypted sync with it's desktop program. Very good when using public Wi-Fi.

Ive used SplashID on palm, blackberry and iPhone. Its the best.

I recommend PassPack: https://www.passpack.com/

It's not an iOS app though; it's a web app.

I recently switched from E-Wallet to 1Password Pro because it was easier to sync between platform.

I also got it for my Mac too so I can sync over cloud securely. It also autofill a password for me, the autofill wasn't the big deal. The big deal was that the app was intuitive, easy to use and secure.

I had 1Password Pro for the iPhone for about a year now, but I fully switched from E-Wallet after 3+ yrs of using it synchronizing from BlackBerry to iPhone, but the app feels out dated since it was out 5 yrs ago. E-Wallet was Flexwallet after the company bought illium.

So you can check out both the EWallet or 1Password, depend on your usage. They both pretty much stores password.

A lot of Mac users will suggest 1password. I don't know if it has a Windows version. I don't like it because I don't want my password safe to auto enter to anything.

I use Keeper by Callpod, and it will sync with Mac, PC, iPhone and several other smart phones. I bought it when it was a purchase, before they changed it to a subscription. I do not like that they now offer to sync it to their servers now. I do not keep my passwords on anyone else's server or cloud.

Dataviz has shot themselves in the foot, and have not updated theirs in over 5 years and have not ported it over to the iPhone.

My 1Password only enters things when I tell it to.

1Password only enters passwords when you want it to, so there is no automatic setting.

I am one of those 1Password users and recommend it. There is a pc version.

I feel assured about its security and consider the auto enter a great feature.

The only problem with auto enter is when there's a captcha on the page and I'm seeing more and more of them.

I have been using eWallet for years, so too much stored to go to a different program. I store everything I might need for quick reference from my car VIN and use it frequently as well. It has always been easy to switch from one brand phone OS to another. I haven't had any trouble syncing with Windows.

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