Thursday, February 10, 2011

ATT - result

Apple iPhone - Oddest thing results

Verizon gets the Iphone and now all of a suddedn I'm getting a huge increase in download speeds on my 3GS (AT&T) ???

Was averaging 1800 to 2500 kbps on tests before today. Today (And i've run test numerous times this morning) I'm getting 3200-3600 kbps. Might be just a Coincidence but seems sorta strange.

iPhone ATT
Apple iPhone ATT
I noticed a couple of months ago, we finally got 3G service here (I'm in a rural area). Seems like AT&T saw the writing on the wall. Don't really care why, I'm just enjoying the up-tick!

Try later in the day and let us know.

My speeds do not seem to have changed, but I haven't done a lot of testing.

The week before AT&T dropped the unlimited plan, I noticed that my speeds took a big drop.

1:50 PM in the afternoon

3514 mbps

3009 mbps

3457 mbps

3375 mbps

Definitely faster downloads

Uploading still slow around 250 mbps

Now wait for a price increase. My Provide does this all the time. First its an increase in speed, then an increase in price, just to say, see what we have invested in.

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