Monday, February 14, 2011

Free 1000 minutes

Apple iPhone - Free 1000 minutes

AT&T iPhone customers: go grab your free 1000 minutes

Loyal AT&T iPhone customer? AT&T wants to say thank you to iPhone owners by sending you 1000 free rollover minutes. All you have to do is text.

iPhone ATT
Apple iPhone ATT
My text came out of the blue. I was surprised. I thought it was in response to a problem I had with an internet order, but I will take 1000 minutes if they want to give them to me!

I just tried it and got the same confirmation message back as in the post below.

I did this - but wonder if the 1,000 will expire. I roll over every month and am maxed out with roll over minutes so I am not sure how this would be applied. Any ideas?

If they did, I would assume it would be 12 months from the month issued as the rest do. I too lose about 400-450 per month from the year previous and I have close to 7,000 remaining.

I _assume_ that they will expire in 12 months like all other rollover minutes. If you are not currently using all your minutes, this is a big whoopee. But it is nice to have a reserve to fall back on, if needed.

Well, got my confirmation message back also. Hope its legit and we all haven't been scammed

I got the confirmation message also. We will see.

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