Monday, June 13, 2011

iOS (4.3.3) drain the iPhone's battery?

Does the current iOS (4.3.3) drain the iPhone's battery?

I remember when the latest iPhone iOS (I think it was 4.3 ???) came out, people complained that it drained their battery. For that reason, I haven't upgraded the iOS on my 3GS and I'm currently using 4.2.1.

(1) Does the current iOS, (4.3.3) drain your iPhone's battery?

(2) Should I stay with my current 4.2.1 and wait until iOS 5 to update my phone?

Apple iPhone batteryApple iPhone battery

The latest iOS 4 does not have a battery drain issue that I am aware of - there was an issue with Ping that was fixed with an update after it was released. Updating to the latest version is not going to prevent you from updating to iOS 5 and that was just released to beta so it is a good 3 or 4 months away so unless you have some reason to stay where you are at, I would upgrade.


I have a 3GS running 4.3.3 and I can get through a day on one charge. Especially if I have 3G and any GPS app turned off. It is no more battery hungery than 4.2.


No it doesn't drain battery


I have io 4.3.3 and my battery dosen't Die


I'm running 4.3.3 on my iPhone4 and see nothing out of the ordinary in regards to theƂ battery.

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