Friday, June 10, 2011

Laptop, iphone, Recovery emergency

My laptop died that was used for my itunes. I have installed itunes on another pc, but have none of my music, photos, or apps on that machine. If I select any category in itunes for sync, it is going to cause me to lose all of the stuff on my phone. Is there any way to transfer these items from my phone to the replacement pc? I have no way to access the HDD from the failed laptop at this time.

Apple iPhone laptopApple iPhone laptop

A possible help, you can pull the old laptop's hard drive and using a PATA/IDE/SATA to USB cable, directly connect it to your new computer via the usb port and then copy whatever you need off the old drive.


I hesitate to make this obvious suggestion, but what many of us do in this situation is restore all the data from our backup drive

Not being familiar with the Windows side of life, I can only assume that the latest version of iTunes, like the Mac version (10.3.1) is capable of restoring purchased songs, apps, movies, etc. that Apple has records of this account having purchased. This *IS* of course, potentially a LOT of downloading.


Having BTDT recently -- the Store may let you d/l the apps again (altho there's one I'm having trouble with that *will not do*), but at least according to the customer service exchanges I had on the subject, not the movies & tv shows (I wasn't asking about music; I don't even know if I *have* an iTunes purchased music!); she made much of the special case she was making to set so I could re-d/l them again w/o charge I'll quote the relevant part of the email...

"I am glad to inform you that iTunes Store Customer Support will let you download (at no charge) all the titles you purchased on this account that are still available. This does not include any item that has been modified or removed from the store since you purchased it. Please note that you may download your purchases only once, so this is an exception. Also note that Apple does not offer protection for the loss of data from your hard disk, so I recommend that you back up your iTunes library as soon as possible and thereafter on a regular basis." She listed the apps that could not be restored (because no longer available) She also included b/u instructions if anyone wants those. Oh, and she also re-set my authorized-computers since I obviously couldn't de-authorize one that had crashed & had to be re-systemized.

I hadn't actually asked about getting a free re-do, I'd asked about something else that made her *think* I needed it. Don't want to discourage such helpful actions by not taking advantage of it. I wasn't sure about my b/u & wasn't about to turn down the offer. :-) Took several *days* of d/l to get everything back in order but at least it's not something I had to babysit & much of it was done overnite.

But to answer OPs original question -- there is s/w that will copy *from* phone to computer. Of course, it won't copy-back anything from the crashed pc that wasn't *on* the phone. It's easy to transfer purchases from phone to pc in iTunes, but that doesn't help if you have non-purchased content.

Meanwhile, I've not only copied my iTunes library to an external drive (or two) (again), I've backed up purchases to DVDs (another long task, but one that only requires popping in from time to time to change discs.)


You can elect not to sync music/apps, merely getting updates and such on the device itself.

Eventually, you can get your data to the new set up.. see if a geek can take your internal drive from the laptop and put it into a case with USB and attach it to your new computer. You could hopefully drag your things from that iTunes to the new one.

Also, remember this iCloud. Launch you new computer and see what way that might help you.


Well, my bad for not having a backup on removable media. I have noticed that there is an option to transfer purchases in iTunes by right clicking the phone icon and selecting transfer purchases. This did allow me to get my apps entered into the pc I am now using. Now I must recreate all the music. You can bet there will be a DVD with the music back up in my to do list. I just did not figure on the MOBO dying in my 3 year old laptop. Thanks for the suggestions.


You can get a bus-powered external hard drive with 300GB of space for under $80.
Safe is much better than sorry.


If you watch the sales (e.g. Best Buy) you can do better -- like 500GB for < $70. If you don't mind a separately powered external (& I have several!) you can get a TB or 2 for $100 or not much more.


Hard-drives can last years and years or they can fail within a day. The same with other hardware. Taking regular backups is essential for anyone who has data they don't want to lose. Do you back up your other files?

DVDs only hold about 4.4 GB, or 8.0 GB for dual layer. Will that be enough?


Did you check Copy Trans? I use that to copy from an Ipod to Itunes, if they can do that...maybe they have an option to go from Iphone. It costs about $25 but it has saved our music twice!


I've done an iTunes "backup of purchases" that took a *stack* of DVDs. The b/u process tells you when to put in another. I don't know how the "restore" goes as I haven't tried that.


Yes, but once you are using multiple discs, the chance of one failing increases. I can't imagine not using external hard-drives given how cheap they are now.

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