Sunday, June 5, 2011

iPhone 4 'anomalies'

My wife & I got our iPhone4's in Dec. They work very well. I did have mine replaced when the dock button began to fail (had to hit it several times to get it to work).

However, hers has been displaying two kinds of issues recently and I'm seeking your feedback.

First, it's become very 'sensitive' when she is talking on the phone. Frequently, having her face near the screen activates the mute button, ends the call or dials someone else. It didn't seem to do this for her at first but it's been doing it for a month or so. I never have this problem.

Second, in the past day or so, it issues a camera click sound when it's powered on or off. Never did that before. Same 'click' you hear when you take a picture. Power off from the button on the top, it 'clicks'. Turn it on, from either the dock button or the top power button, it clicks.

Any thoughts about either?

We're about to take this unit back to the Apple store, unless there are simple solutions.

Apple iPhoneApple iPhone

The first shouldn't happen unless she is using speakerphone or a bluetooth headset, when the phone is set to 'normal' (iPhone from a list of Speakerphone, iPhone, and any BT devices) the proximity sensor should kick in when it goes near her face and actually when anything covers it, easy enough to test just place a phone call and put finger/hand over the sensors near the front facing camera.

The second issue sounds like normal activity, you can turn the notification sounds (clicks) off or on in Settings > General > Sounds > Lock Sounds > Off or turn off all sounds by flipping the silent switch above the volume buttons. There isn't a selection to turn the camera sound off unless you flip the silent switch as it is illegal in some countries to take pictures without a notification sound.


Try Settings/sounds down at the bottom.


Number 1:
I remember reading about an issue where the proximity sensor failed to turn off the screen functions when the phone was held up to the user's face. So this has been a problem recognized and addressed by Apple, but I am not sure whether the resolution was in software or in a hardware replacement. So:

Number 2:
If you haven't already, upgrade to the most current firmware. Connect the phone to the computer, make sure all the data and images on the phone are backed up on the computer (if you're not sure how to, ask back here again), and, in iTunes, with the phone connected and selected on the left, click on "Check for Update" on the right.

Number 3:
If your firmware is up to date, and the problem persists, my next step would be a reset — press both the Home button on the face of the phone and the On/Off button on the top and hold them until the white Apple appears, then let it complete the re-boot.

Number 4:
If the problem is still present, go to the Apple Store.


Thanks for the help on both issues, all!

Regarding the 'click' sound on power on/off, it was the settings/sound that had been toggled on. Neither of us did it intentionally. Let's see if it toggles again, seemingly on it's own.

Regarding the sensitivity when on the phone, we'll check the proximity sensor and see if there is a problem. The iOS is the most up to date and we have done many resets since it started.


If you have the sound toggled off of the camera shutter sound, it should stay that way unless you adjust it.


I have an iPhone 3GS and also get the "camera click" when it powers down. Have not investigated the situation yet...whether it is an error, normal or something you can turn on / off.

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