Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sound quality of Iphone 4 speaker ?

Apple iPhone - Sound quality of Iphone 4 speaker ?

Since switching from my old Blackberry Storm to Iphone 4 (Verizon) I have been happy with the Iphone but the sound quality when using the speakerphone seems really poor, distorted audio...hard to understand. The BB seemed quite good. Anyone else notice poort audio on the Iphone 4 ?

iPhone Headphone
Apple iPhone Headphone
Made the same switch. Not any problems with iPhone. Loving it and never looking back.

I am amazed at how good the sound is on my iPhone4. I have replaced my radio with it. It is so small but so clear. With a rhapsody subscription I have created a almost never ending source of exactly what I want to listen to that is always with me.

Yes, I dropped my satellite radio subscription and use the iPhone thru my car speakers, that works well. I was talking about the speaker in the phone, sounds very distorted on cell calls.

Yes but using the internal speaker in the phone is so clear that I am using it as is.

i am having trouble with the sould on every level. sounds like everyone is
trying ot talk underwater, on cell or speakeer.
i have been asked to repeat things many times.
i am going back to see what's going on.
could it be the softwear?

If this is a new iPhone, check that the clear protective plastic has been removed from the face of the phone. It happens :)

Or just partially remove upper and lower edge portions and cut notches of appropriate shape and size so that home button at lower edge and camera & speaker at the upper edge remain exposed. you can stick the rest back as screen protector. It is very good quality plastic and since no stylus is used , it will last you atleast a year.

I found only one speaker is working on my phone when switched to speaker phone!!!!! Anyone could also help?????

The iPhone only has 1 speaker. The other side is the microphone.

It only has one speaker.

Refer to:

The two grates at the bottom of the iPhone are _not_ both speakers. One is a microphone to pick up your voice when in phone mode. The other is a speaker. The speaker at the top of the phone is for when it is not in speaker phone mode.

Given the spacing between the two grates, even if they were both speakers, the sound would not be good stereo. If you are looking for stereo sound, then you need to connect it to some stereo speakers, by means of either the 30-pin connector or the stereo speaker jack.

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