Thursday, March 10, 2011

iPhone 4 battery life

Apple iPhone - iPhone 4 battery life

I have with me an iPhone 4 locked on AT&T. Since I´m overseas and its baseband does not have an unlock yet, it is just sitting here waiting.

It still have the AT&T SIM inside, the wifi is on (but should go off once it goes on standby), it is jailbroken, with very little software installed beyond those that come with it.

Well I decided to test its battery longevity on a single charge, standby only (no messing with it).

I charged it up to 100% full on last friday, march 4th at 11:00PM, unplugged it and let it sit on my desk with an occasional peek to check the battery level once or twice a day.

Well for my surprise, today 9:30PM, wednesday, march 9th (almost 5 full days) the battery still holds 17% capacity left! (I will let you know when it drains totally)

The curious thing is, for my knowledge, the iPhone should be seeking for AT&T signals, which of course, there is none where I´m, and for sure wasting even more battery.

So the iPhone is not that bad regarding battery life, if you just leave it alone. Maybe with a few calls a day may drain the battery little faster, but nothing that could make it worst than others cell phones.

What do you think?

iPhone ATT
Apple iPhone ATT
I think that I am not surprised at your results in the least.

iPod is still better.
If you plan to use only wifi then switch on the airplane mode and save battery.

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