Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Email over Wifi Not Working

Apple iPhone emailApple iPhone email

Email over Wifi Not Working

I have a wifi nework set up at home that works just fine....almost. I have 2 laptops and a wireless printer. The only issue I am having is that my 3gs iPhone will not send email over the wifi connection. I can receive email, send to the wireless printer, just can't send an outgoing email. The message I receive is "Can't connect to the smtp.mail server". My ISP is Roadrunner and like I said, if I turn wifi off on the phone ...out the email goes. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


If your email is working fine using your computer and wifi, then you might check what smtp.mail server settings on your computer and try that setting in the account on your iphone for the outgoing mail server.

On a Mac computer, you can find the outgoing mail server setting under Mail >Preferences >Accounts> selected email account name on right> Account Information> Outgoing Mail Server in the pop down.

Not sure where to find that outgoing mail server info on a PC.

It may also be possible that your ISP provider might be able to tell you what ports, settings and out going server you should use on your iPhone.

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