Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mails accessing through computer

Apple iPhone - Mails accessing through computer

How can I access the mails that are downloded to my phone, using my

Or adding the mails downloaded in the phone to inbox to the computer

Question may be silly but I am not able to do it because I am new.

iPhone Email
Apple iPhone Email

The older POP mail protocol is intended for situations where the user wants to collect their mail onto a single computer. It *removes* the mail from the server when it loads it onto the computer.

What you need to use for your situation is the IMAP mail protocol. In IMAP the mail lives on the server, and is synchronized to whatever computers you set up for that purpose. In my case, I access my mail on my Macbook Pro at home, on my iPhone, and on my iPad.

If I delete a message on my iPhone, or use my Mac to move one from the inbox to a subsidiary folder, those actions are synchronized automatically to the server, and appear automatically on the other computers.


Even with POP accounts, there are options as to how to handle deleted messages. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > (select the account you want to modify) > Advanced > Delete from server. At this point, you will have three choices: Never, Seven Days, and When removed from inbox. Note that this is for POP accounts. If you have the option of using an IMAP type mailbox, that is your best bet. It keeps everything synchronized.


We're getting a little off the original topic, but I find that IMAP does not sync or create duplicate mail boxes on different devices.

And as I said, I had to check which way it went, but here is what I experience on a daily basis.

I have both types of accounts on both my iPhone and Macs.

I have my POP accounts to "delete from server" after 30 days, so all my devices see those emails. My IMAP accounts only match when leave the emails unread on the iPhone. When I awaken my MacBook Pro, and sorts the mail the the designated mailboxes, they are often no longer available on the iPhone.

Once read, email is normally removed from the IMAP servers.


Nope IMAP leaves the mail on the server until you delete it, unlike POP which requires some tricks to achieve the same thing. If you're using IMAP and the mail is disappearing before you've deleted it then that's a function of your set up not IMAP.



It's just a setting in your mail program (& it's easily changed) -- is that any "trickier" than however you do it with IMAP? Don't you have to have some kind of settings with IMAP? or does it somehow know just how *you* want to do things (vs. how *I* might want to do things)?


Yes. With IMAP you are "syncing" with the email server and can do this with multiple client devices. Messages are deleted on the server when you delete them on any of your client devices, i.e. the sync works both ways.

The confusion might be caused by the fact that OS X Mail (and perhaps other clients) allows you to leave messages on a POP server for a given period before deletion (but I found when I first used Mail that if I did *not* set this to "immediate" my messages were duplicated. Was this a bug?).

Here's just one of many explanations of POP vs IMAP.


Thanks for the responses but i did not get an answer to my problem!! probably due to my bad explanation of the problem. i will explain the problem again.

i am sitting at hotel without an internet connection now. however i downloaded my mail to the iphone using the 3g services. now iwant to transfer that mail to my computer inbox (outlook) and prepare a reply so that i can send it as soon as i get the internet connection.

Someone could help me??


I don't know of a way to "transfer" an E Mail from the iPhone to a computer. But the iPhone Email app sends Email just a well as it recieves. I reply to Emails all the time with the iPhone Email app.

I know that is not what you asked, but it is a work around.


There is nothing special about the email you receive on your iPhone. It is either on an IMAP or POP account. Create the account on your computer. Just remember the differences between the IMAP and POP accounts. If you read an IMAP accounts email, it is usually removed from the server and will not appear on the other device if it has not been downloaded before reading it on the second device. You can mark it as unread to give it an opportunity to be down loaded on the other device.

POP accounts only remove email from the server by the rules you set.


Are you sure you haven't got that backwards?


Actually I think you have it backwards, or something, though I don't know how IMAP really works (& from what I hear it wouldn't work for me the way I deal with things right now.)

My POP3 accounts are all set to keep messages on the server; I delete or move/file them directly if I want to. Any action taken in my mail program on my computer or iDevice is *not* reflected on the server (with the exception of Mailwasher, which I use to pre-screen my email & can send a 'delete' command directly to the server.)


After reading your post it seems I may have them backwards. But then again, when I googled it. I did not agree with the answer provided by UoM.

Either way the OP did not realize there was a difference and possible that he/she had to set up the account on both devices.


If you are using Outlook express just config it to leave a copy on the server for as many days as you like...I do that all the time

Look for internet mail setting on either OE or MS Outlook and set the days you want to leave them on the server, this way you can receive it on the iPhone and the computer, the same emails.

Is that correct?


You can't transfer without Internet connectivity. But I think you can respond on your iPhone and when you're in an area where you have connectivity, those pending e-mail will send.


Yes. the reply will be kept in out box and be sent when you are connected and open mail and update. As a matter of fact, you could delete it before it is sent, if you change your mind.

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