Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tracking File Found in iPhones

Apple iPhone waterproofApple iPhoneYou probably have already seen this but if not hear it is again.

Here is a disturbing article in the NYT about apple recording your location to a hidden file on both the iPhone and iPad. There is a link in the article where you can down load a program to map your movements.\a26

Maybe it's time to switch to an Android

A google phone likely to have the same or more data tracking on it. Google is all about gathering user data on their PCs, why not in the software of their phones.


The same company that found the file said that they tested Android phones (and most other smartphone brands) and found nothing similar. This is literally unprecedented. It's the kind of thing that could
result in lawsuits.


I would join if it was a class action lawsuits.


Might be some attempts but it is in the Terms of Service that everyone with an iPhone or 3G iPad agreed to - the file is not on iPod touches or WiFi iPads, it is not transmitted to anyone just stored on the phone and included in backups BUT it is in a paragraph of the TOS so it will be tossed out of any lawsuits as "you should have read it and not agreed to it if you didn't want to store the data".


Probably true; however, given the public relations debacle that this is, I'm guessing any suit would be settled quickly. The FCC has already said they're looking into this and Congress is apparently making inquiries. They will want to bury this ASAP. Remember, a lot of politicians own iPhones (and Crackberries). The quickest way to get on the legislative radar is to do something stupid with your technology that directly impacts the security of the leaders of the country.


BTW, here is one of the letters sent from Congress:


Blackberries have a function built in that can also track your where-abouts. I see it turned on my work blackberry issued to me and I'm sure for everyone else given one at work. I have to suspect work Mgmt has access to that data if they need it, as well as the Gov't.


Bury it in small print in the Terms of Service agreement that apple sends out all the time, If I don't comb through it like a lawyer then it's my fault.

The big question is why is apple doing it. I do not want apple to be able to track me that is just creepy. I thought if there was one company I could trust to do the right thing it was apple. I guess they have joined the ranks of large corporations that think they can do anything they want. That is very disappointing. I have been an Apple supporter from the first time they made a computer. I may have to rethink that support.


Wasn't the purpose of tracking for location-based services like restaurants, ads and coupons?

I am certain that Google does this also. They are the leaders in advertising and for sure they have to be doing this somehow. If not yet I would be surprised. Expect it soon then.


Again, no, Google does not do this. While Google and many other providers offer location based services, in all instances users must ASK to be tracked and can opt out at any time. Apples implementation tracks you by default, doesn't tell you they're tracking you, doesn't let you opt out, and stores information in cleartext that anyone with access to your phone or computer can read.

Read the articles. The "but everyone else is doing it" defense (if it can be called that) only applies if, you know, everyone else is actually doing it.

Given the negative PR tied to this, complete with FCC and congressional investigation, I highly doubt if any legit companies will be trying a stunt like this in the future.


We've all seen this news by now - Apple (and presumably AT&T) are keeping track of my movements and creating a file where anyone can see those movements.\sers-location/?ref=technology

Just downloaded the iPhone Tracking File app and -- lo & behold -- there's a map showing where I've supposedly been in the past 20 months or so I've owned this 3GS iPhone. Here's the link to the app -

1. It's even got some places where I've been in the Arizona desert, the Mojave desert, Death Valley, and elsewhere in the boonies and used the iPhone on the AT&T cell network. But some of the places seem not to be where I've ever been -- Barstow and Ft Irwin, except driving through on I-15 and 1-40.

2. Is this "Wiretapping" within the meaning of California's Penal Code § 629 et seq? That's a criminal act. Maybe there are other criminal statutes involved.

3. Even if the Penal Code is not implicated, clearly this is a serious breach of my personal privacy. It is surely no business of Apple Corp or AT&T where I've been.

4. This is a terrible black eye to Apple. Whatever possessed Apple to put this thing on my iPhone? It's one thing if I knowingly use something like Foursquare or Facebook's Places, it's quite another to surreptitiously keep track of where I've been - spying on my movements.

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