Friday, April 1, 2011


I live in the mountains and normally have 1 or 2 bars so I can text friends. Since Tuesday, all I have now is no service. No bars. Do satellites move around or is this something I should ask AT&T about? I wanted to ask here first since you guys are so smart. ;-)

I have wireless internet and can still email people but I miss texting. And I can't vote on my Idol or dancing. LOL


Well a satellite really has nothing to do with it but your closest cell tower(s) could be having issues. I would contact AT&T and report it.


Can't help with ATT part, but if you get a Google Voice account you can text for free over your internet connection. That will help with the voting.


Certainly satellites move around, but they have no effect on cellular service since cellular service does not involve satellites. It involves antennas on towers mostly.


If you haven't already, you may want to re-boot the phone: Hold down both the home butto and the lock button until the apple logo appears (be patient, it takes a few seconds).


A HA! You are brilliant! It worked. You know what I think happened is when the power went out, it did something to the phone. It was on the charger. Power was only out 3 hours, but I left it hooked up because this happened at night and I was asleep. Now all the past text messages are rolling in and I have 2 bars back. Yeah!

I wish I had gotten some type of booklet when I bought this at the AT & T store. This is my first iphone (3G) and I am mostly learning by trial and error.


That is the first thing to try when ever you have a cell service problem. It forces a reset of the connection to the cell towers.

I would still install Mark the Spot and start sending in reports to AT&T to see if they can improve your 2 bars to 3 or 4.


As others have said, it has nothing to do about satellites. Either the cell towers is having an issue or they made a change to it.

Contact AT&T, by land line or internet.

You should also install the iTunes App called Mark the Spot from AT&T. This will record problems you have with your cell service and when you do have service will send it to AT&T. They have added a new feature that supposedly will give you feed back on your reports, if you register. The registration registers your phone, with no direct identification of you, but of course your phone is registered for your service so you are identified indirectly.

In your case I would down load it, attempt to register, and file repeated reports from your home. The squeaky wheel eventually gets the grease.

By giving them feedback on where you are having issues like no service or dropped calls, it helps them fix the issues. The app gives them the data they need is a fast, efficient method for you. I use it to report no service areas when I travel for work or if I find a bad spot local to my home. When I was in the metro Denver area I inundated them with reports as the service draws wind there.


You should call and ask AT&T because, sometimes their working on towers in your area. So I would call them and see if that's the case. They will tell you and they will compensate you for lost days. They did for me! :)


There us an app called Mark the Spot that reports reception problems and runs a diagnostic.

Agree. I used to use it a lot. But my issues were when driving

By the time I could safely input data. I was out of the pocket.

But. You need cell service in order to transmit the data.

My issues in upstate ny were spots of no service.

It is a valiant app. But I gave up on it.


The latest version of Mark the Spot saves the data and location and sends it the next time there is service.


I used mark the spot constantly and after a few months AT&T gave me a micro cell. That solved my connection problems @ HOME.

That's about the only thing I can say good about ATT. They do look at Mark The Spot and with enough complaints do something about their service.

Apple iPhone ATTApple iPhone ATT

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