Friday, April 15, 2011

GPS Tracker

Apple iPhone GPSApple iPhoneWhat good program for tracking my day? I'm a contractor on the road, and sometimes I need assistance. If only I could remember where I was on thursday?

Cyclemeter does all that and more. You can set it to auto sync with your calendar And add notes as you go along. Don't be put off by the name- it's not just for bikes. Cheap and very easy to use, I've been using over a year and had no problems at all


Also GPS MotionX


I would assume you mean Cyclemeter GPS at $5 and not the free Japanese Cyclemeter with the plastic in the bicycle spokes.


Yes. Sorry my mistake, I didn't realise there was another app with such similar name. You're quite right - I did mean Cyclemeter GPS. the one from Abvio. I use it all the time, and the support is excellent if you have any questions.

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