Saturday, April 9, 2011

iPad 2 Case with Bluetooth Keyboard Inside

Apple iPhone CaseApple iPhoneMost reviewers liked it but one person didn't like it because the aluminum scratched easily? and the foam cushion was poorly made and wore out quickly. And the edges were sharp. What others may think and/or recommend as an alternative?

Also, if you have the smart cover on your iPad 2, the case may not fit.

All of the metal cases for Apple products can be scratched, so what. With a little TLC they are fine, and that is why there are so many cases available.

What foam cushion was the reviewer speaking of? Where are the sharp edges? The front edges by the space bar? The natural curve of the hand while typing should cleat that.


I am not sure where the foam is but I gathered the ipad fits into the top of the case and is held in by the foam (I think). the reviewer said it is weak and breaks apart. I would also want to see one before plopping down $100!!!!


I bought one a few weeks ago for my new iPad 1. It's very nice. The only problem is that the keys are kind of tiny and for a touch typist like myself kind of hard to get used to. I'm waiting for the adonit writer to come out if it ever does lol!

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