Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Syncing Problem with iCal, Mobile Me and iPhone and Events set to Re

Just noticed an error in tracking repeating events.

I have a category called Birthday's set up on my iCal account. It includes all significant dates not just birthdays. I just noticed a lot of these entries aren't being synced to the iPhone. They do appear on MobileMe. The main difference between the events that are synced and the ones that aren't is that
a.) Ones that are synced, are set to Never End.
b.) Ones that aren't synced are set to end after a certain number of years.

Any one else notice this and know whether I have set some preference file up incorrectly or if this is a known problem?

Couple of things spring to mind.

I would change the name of the calendar to something other than Birthdays. Reason being is that there is an automatic calendar that is created by iCal & Address Book called Birthdays. Just eliminates any problems. Make sure that propagates through all your iDevices.

On your iPhone, check the settings. Especially the range of items to be synced. I just have it set to all. Covers everything.

Setup syncing on another mac or iDevice and see if it syncs correctly there. If it doesn't it's a MobileMe problem setting. If it does, it's a phone setting.


But he said he named it Birthday's, using what we linguists call the greengrocer's apostrophe--tomato's instead of tomatoes, etc. Surely the apostrophe kept the software from equating this with the reserved-word standard plural?

Apple iPhone SyncApple iPhone

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