Tuesday, May 24, 2011

iphone, The Callet Case

I saw an ad for this case for my iPhone 4 and couldn't resist trying it, since the price was right and it looked intriguing. I'm not sure if it is the best idea or the worst in a long time, but so far, I like it. It's a basic rubber case that slips over the phone and protects the back and sides. It covers the front edges of the phone as much as it can without obscuring the screen, so it should provide at least some screen protection, as well.

The gimmick is that the back of the case has a couple of slots for credit cards, drivers license, etc. Right now, I'm carrying it with my primary credit card and drivers license in it. The good news is that I have my most frequently needed items in one handy place. The bad news is that they are all in one place, so if the phone is lost or stolen, so is my license and credit card. My wife thinks it is dangerous, but since I have never lost a cell phone or had one stolen in all of the years that I have been using one, and since I carry it in the front pocket of my pants, I'm not too worried. Time will tell...

Apple iPhone CaseApple iPhone

How is this different from the way most women (I don't know about your wife but I know I usually do it) carry both wallet & cell in their purse?


I think this is bad news. Keep your cards separately.


Any suggestions on how else to carry things?


If you are a woman, carry a purse and put everything in it.

If you are a man, carry a wallet for your money and cards, and your iPhone separately in a front pants pocket.


Most men carry their wallets in a back pocket - which is inviting pickpockets.

I keep mine in a front pocket, at least there are more nerves there to alert me
to attempts to pick my pocket.

All may be moot soon anyway - as smart phones are already usable for plane board passes on some airlines, and some smart phones may soon be used for purchases at a few stores and their use will rapidly expand. So if you lose your phone - and it isn't password protected - you are basically screwed.

Even password protection on iPhones is weak. 10000 combinations would take patience, but a determined hacker could do 0000 through 9999 eventually and then go on a spending spree.

The best strategy - carry that phone in the other front pocket from the wallet if you are a guy. Since my daughter is an actress and we have half of Hollywood on our phones - at least the Disney and Nick stars - we are basically paranoid about our phones, using pseudo-names for contacts, etc. But it wouldn't take long for somebody to figure it out and get private numbers, so - we learn to be very careful with the phones and not lose them. And the best contact list - is the one you memorize and carry in your head, which we have had to do with some of the more famous ones.

Bottom line: protect that phone - it has a lot of ways an identity thief can hurt you - the 4 digit password is better than nothing. Don't download bank or shopping apps - that phone gets lost your information is out there. And the best case scenario for your contacts is they get nuisance telemarketing calls. The worst case scenario is probably worse than you care to imagine. So be careful!


The subject was carrying phone *and* id/ccs in the same case, not how good of a case you might need.

I have a basic case on my iphone to improve grip-ability, not because it needs much protection from anything but dropitis. (also, different cases on different devices makes it easier to tell which is which even at a distance.)

Women's clothes don't always (or even often, though I haven't shopped in "a while") come with pockets that are either as numerous or as large as those that men's clothes routinely have.

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