Thursday, May 12, 2011

Invalid Address message when trying to update apps

Started having this problem yesterday, cannot update my apps through the app store on any of my devices. Lately, It has been asking me to verify the security code on my credit card quite often as well. Now I can't get beyond this error message. Any ideas?

I was getting the same thing. Looks like Apple wants you to verify information on your account. Go to and login to your account and follow the directions, and everything should start working again.


Apple changed the system to control a valid address.

you can use a address of an hotel, save and retype your original address and re-save.


Thanks for the help, that worked. Let's see, I posted on here and got a helpful response within 12 hours, I had e-mailed Apple support at the same time..still no response. Thank you group!

Apple iPhone emailApple iPhone

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