Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turning off your iPhone

Apple iPhone - Turning off your iPhone

I've had an AT&T cell phone the whole time I've lived at my current home, about 10 years, and up until a couple of months ago the service has been acceptable. For some reason after the iOS 4.1 update my overall cell phone service on my iPhone 4 went down drastically! So finally I made a call to AT&T customer service and after a time I was handed off to a "tech". The the tech had me "reset network settings" which seamed to help. Her explanation was that "all" cell phones have to be turned off ( for at :30 ) and back on every day to let it re-register with the network.

1) The software on a smart phone could do that.
2) Even tho I've not powered my cell phones off in the past, this is a new problem.
3) Over the past week or so I've made it a point to turn my iPhone 4 off every day. With a huge improvement in overall cell phone performance.

You can make your own judgments.

iPhone ATT
What we want from mobile video Apple iPhone ATT
Are you or the tech making a distinction between touching "Reset Network Settings" (General -> Reset -> RNS's) and "turning off the phone" (which could refer to just turning it off with the top iPhone button vs Soft vs Hard Reset)?

My understanding was that just turning it off with the top button won't reset anything, but simply black out the screen and save some power. What action are you actually performing to improve your phone's performance? I'd like to test this on my own phones.

I have only performed the reset network settings operation once but turn my iPhone off and on daily.

If you notice in my original post I quoted the tech. She said turning a cell off & back on causes it to re register with the network. This is for all cell phones, even phones that can't reset the network from settings.

When you say that you "turn my iPhone off and on daily", do you mean press-and-HOLD the On/Off button until the "slide to power off" slider appears, then sliding it to Off?

Because if you are only pressing the On/Off briefly, and the screen goes dark, then you are NOT shutting your iPhone OFF, you are doing little more than turning the *screen* off.

I am turning it off. ( press and hold, then slide the slider). Not putting it to sleep.

Yes. Switching off and on is re-registering. The process of registering a GSM phone is an elaborate ritual involving as many as 8 to 10 messages being e changed between the handset and the tower. It includes sending identity of SIM as well as hanset being sent and the same being passed onto the original switch/ exchange ( in case of roaming ). All parameters are loaded by network into the handset de-novo.


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