Saturday, November 27, 2010

Installed iOS 4.2.1. for unlocked iPhone 4?

Apple iPhone - Installed iOS 4.2.1. for unlocked iPhone 4?

I am using an unlocked iPhone 4 in India. Haven't yet installed iOS 4.2.1. Will installing iOS 4.2.1 lock my device? That's a major issue which is keeping me from installing the new iOS.

iPhone iOS
The best of Apple iPhone iOS
The iPhone 4 hasn't been software unlocked yet so if it is hardware unlocked, upgrading software won't change that...

Hey thanks. I think it's hardware unlocked. And m not sure what software unlocking will be great if u can enlighten me on that.

Software unlocking is what phones that are locked to say AT&T have to do in order ot use them on T-Mobile - it 'unlocks' the base band / modem firmware to work on another carrier.

If you bought a hardware unlocked phone, which I believe is what is available in just about every other country than the US - upgrading will not change that.


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