Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Accidental dial

Apple iPhone - Accidental dial

Can you accidentally dial someones phone if your iPhone is in your pocket?

iPhone tutorials
Dial a Apple iPhone Tutorial
Yes you can I have done it plenty of times. Don't ask me how but I did

If you close the screen, or move away from the Phone app, before putting it in your pocket, how?

Some folks do not put their iPhone to 'sleep' by pressing the top button. This results in 'bum dials' & also drains the battery.

I'm finding at the store, that many people do not know putting your iPhone to sleep does not stop you from getting calls. Many leave it on and awake, and then erroneously dial out

On my way to work, I'll have some music playing, I lock the iPhone, park it into my pocket and go off to work. No hassle, and I get calls during music play. Song fades off and my ringtone ("V-Final Battle Theme" if you're interested) comes on. I press my headphone cord and answer.

For several years now, not infrequently, one of my friends and partners in medical practice and I have initiated a conversation with each other thusly:

"Did your phone call my phone?"

Frequently, the answer has been

"Hmm, I guess it did."

Over the last year, during which we both bought our first iPhones (3GS), this hasn't changed very much...................

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